TVET Expert Senior Expert ICT and e-learning Education Specialist On the achievements reached under the first Vocational Education and Skills Development Project Location: KyrgyzstanSecond Project “Vocational Education and Skills Development”, Expertise: TVET TEACHER QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK CONSULTANT - ADB - Asian Development Fund - Agency for Vocational Education, Contract: VESDII/ICS/Int/2015/P4, Project Grant 0307KGZ-SF, Kyrgyz Republic$ 66 000 / 66 days - 3 months http://www.adb.org/projects/38298-023/main?page-2=1 (VESDP), the Kyrgyz Republic has requested and received from 2013, a loan and grant from ADB -Asian Development Bank for the Second Vocational Education and Skills Development Project. Part of the funds have been used to finance the consulting services to support Agency for Vocational Education (AVE) as the Project Executing Agency. The impact of the project is addressed to the inclusive growth through improved employment opportunities for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates, to support the modernization of the TVET system by making it more responsive to labour market needs, to develop skilled workers and craftsmen, technicians and middle-level staff. As expected outcomes there are also the enhancement of the quality, the relevance and the efficiency of the vocational training system and its more equitable access. Mr Crisona has been responsible for capacity building activities like trainings, consulting on ict and e-learning implementation in IVET system, production of reports, production of training materials and guidelines. Responsibilities ▪ Provide recommendations to AVE and selected PVSs on improvement of ICT facilities and equipment; ▪ Design and provide technical advice in establishing Multimedia Classrooms in selected project - schools, and video-conferencing facilities between AVE and schools, etc.; ▪ Assist the PIU in identifying software to be used in selected schools; ▪ Assist in piloting software in selected schools; ▪ Assist in maximizing the use of ICT and Multimedia Classroom in teacher training delivery to include distance education, online courses, and other blended learning approaches; ▪ Help AVE/Resource center develop at least 5 online courses (including webinars); ▪ Design and implement training program for teachers in using ICT to enhance the teaching-learning process and use Multimedia Classroom and ICT-related equipment; ▪ Develop guidelines for preparation and assessment of online TVET courses, in line with best international practice for using ICT for TVET. Ensure that the criteria include the use of modular, competency-based training, incorporation of green skills concepts, and a focus on core (employability) skills); ▪ Prepare and deliver capacity building programs for assessing online TVET courses, as well as using ICT for TVET management, teaching, and learning to relevant stakeholders (assessors in HED and the online course working group; ▪ Review costs and barriers to access for online courses in rural and poor areas and options for subsidies and other support if necessary. Achievements ▪ Research on the state of the art of ICT and e-learning implementation in IVET in the country, through desk research, interviews and visits to schools. ▪ production of the Two years National plan to implement ICT and e-learning in the IVET ▪ Advisory service to AVE board of directors on how to implement ICT and e-learning in the IVET ▪ Syllabus for training the trainers on how to implement authoring software and solution in IVET If you would like to view the complete CV please click here