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ICLEL 23 Editorial Board Selected Papers for AWARDS 


1. “Examining The Relationship Between Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Educational Technology Standards and Their Technostress Levels”

Authors: Şenay Sezgin Nartgün- Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye , Şule Gegekoğlu-PhD student, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye

 Zekeriya Nartgün – Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye

2. Reducing stereotypes towards people with disabilities – a fundamental condition for sustainable scholar and social inclusion

 Author : Vlantin Cosmin BLANDUL-University of Oradea, Romania, Teacher Training Department

ICLEL 2021  Editorial Board selected papers for awards:

1. Academic achievement and reading activities in university students


2. Adaptation of Diversity Climate Scale to Turkish

Authors : Dear Gülçin KURKAN, Soner POLAT

3. Virtuality and Education in Times of Covid19
Author : Kamaldeep Singh


ICLEL 2020  Editorial Board selected 4 papers for ICLEL 20 academic best paper awards:

1. Psychological impact of Covid-19 epidemiological measures on Czech university students and potential protective and risk personality factors in educational setting

Authors = Lucie Křeménková & Jan Sebastian Novotný

2. The Effects of Pre-service Teachers’ Extracurricular Study Habits and Emotion Regulation on Lifelong Learning Tendencies in Covid 19 Process

Authors = H. Gülhan Orhan Karsak & Meltem Yurtçu

3. The Effects of Students' Experiences with the Transition from Primary to Secondary School on Self-Regulated Learning and motivation  

Authors =Ana Uka &  Arban Uka    

4. Organizational policy in schools and the relation between Herzberg’s Double Factor Hygiene - Motivation Theory

 Authors = Esef Hakan Toytok &  Abdullah Acar 

ICLEL Editorial Board has awarde 2 papers from ICLEL 19: 

1. Aydın Balyer & Erkan Tabancalı- The Roles of Interest and Pressure Groups on Developing Educational Policies in Turkey

2. Gökhan Ilgaz & Menekşe Eskici- Examination of Teachers' Participation in Professional Development Activities as Lifelong Education

ICLEL Awards

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