Venue: Óbuda University - Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management
Address: Budapest, Tavaszmező u. 15-17, 1086 Hungary / JULY 9-11, 2024
ICLEL 2023
9th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 23 held on University of Coimbra.
Venue: University of Coimbra Faculty of Physchology and Educational Sciences, Coimbra-Portugal
Date=JULY 06-08, 2023
ICLEL 23 was a part of EU Beyond the Limits: Developing Entrepreneurship via Creavity in Schools Project (Project No: 2020-1-TR01-KA203-093989) disseminationa activity
If a Participant presents a paper on "Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Education" it is FREE OF CHARGE.
This limits includes 30 people and Portugal researchers have priority except EU Ka 203 Beyond the Limits project partner university academicians including Coimbra University based on EU rules.
Honorable Committee
Prof.Dr. Hamza AL
Rector of Sakarya University
Prof. Dr. Amílcar Celta
Falcão Ramos Ferreira
Rector of University of Coimbra
Prof.Dr. Rüştü YEŞİL
Dean of Education
Sakarya University
Prof.Dr. Maria Paula Paixão
Dean of Faculty of Education
University of Coimbra
Heads of Conference
General Chair / Prof. Dr. Osman TİTREK
Faculty of Education
Sakarya University
Chair / Prof.Dr. Carlos Sousa de Reis
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
University of Coimbra
Co-Chair / Prof.Dr. Jose Gijon PUERTA
Faculty of Education
University of Granada
During ICLEL 2023, top keynote speakers presented, such as:
1. Prof. Dr. Dana Redford – University of California, Berkley – United States of America;
2. Prof. Dr. Mirzana Pašić Kodrić – University of Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina;
3. Prof. Dr. David Rae – De Montfort University – United Kingdom;
4. Prof. Dr. Dan Petrica – Agora University of Oradea – Romania;
5. Prof. Dr. Pablo Garcia Sempere – University of Granada – Spain;
6. Prof. Dr. Albertina Oliveira – University of Coimbra – Portugal;
7. Prof. Dr. Jose Gijon Puerta – University of Granada – Spain;
8. Prof. Dr. Regina Frank – De Montfort University – United Kingdom;
9. Prof. Dr. Pablo Rodriquez Herero- Autonomous University of Madrid-Spain.
Editorial Board Selected 2 Papers for ICLEL 23 Academic Best Paper Awards.
1. Examining The Relationship Between Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Educational Technology Standards and Their Technostress Levels
Authors: Şenay Sezgin Nartgün- Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye
Şule Gegekoğlu-PhD student, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye
Zekeriya Nartgün – Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University- Türkiye
2. Reducing stereotypes towards people with disabilities – a fundamental condition for sustainable scholar and social inclusion
Author : Valentin Blandul -Oradea University Romania