Topic: Person, relationships and community in the creative process Dr. Jiri Kantor, Palacky University, Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC

Main professional area is the special education of persons with physical and multiple disabilities. Another professional area is the field of expressive therapies and psychotherapy. Main area of research is qualitative. Dissertation was made by using the grounded theory with the combination of quantitative techniques and case studies (the title Educational outputs of students with cerebral palsy in the area of social abilities). Next research activities were focused on the analysis of the relationship development between persons with severe multiple disability and professionals, creating models of personal development processes based on the interactions in students with severe physical and multiple disabilities, description of communication processes between students and teachers and construction of theories for creative functional training in persons with physical and multiple disabilities.Recent publication and teaching activities are connected mainly to somatopedic area (education of students with physical disability and illness). Professional interest is in the development of this discipline and development of teaching courses for students of special education in the Palacký University in Olomouc during last 5 years. Education and training:
1998-2002: Master degree in Special Education and Music Education (Palacky University in Olomouc). 2010-2013: Doctoral degree in Special Education (Institute of Special Education Studies, Palacky University in Olomouc). 2005-2006: 180 hours of psychotherapy training in nonverbal techniques (dr. Vodňanská). 2006-2011: 550 hours of psychotherapy training in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Short-time trainings in expressive therapies, Snoezelen, alternative communication techniques, psychokinesiology, dynamic assesment, FIE, etc. Work experiences:
1997-1998: Day-center and a special school for persons with multiple disabilities (Ostrava). 1999-2001: An educator in the Children Center in Ostrava, Pískové doly. From 2003 – until present: Private music therapy and special education practice. 2004-2010: A teacher in a special school (Olomouc). 2005 – 2011: External teacher, Faculty of Health Sciences, Palacky University in Olomouc and Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. From 2010 until present: Assistant Professor in the Institute of Special Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc. Membership in organisations, boards and bodies: Co-founder of the Music Therapy Association of Czech Republic (2008-2013 vicechairman). Editorial Board of the journal Arteterapie (from January 2014). Ethical commission of Association of Dance and Movement Therapy of Czech Republic. Publication activities: Articles in reviewed journals: KANTOR, J.; LUDÍKOVÁ, L. 2014. Opportunities for self-realization of pupils with severe cerebral palsy in an educational context. In Procedia – Social and Behavioral Studies. Elsevier. 2014;128:234-239. KANTOR, J.; URBANOVSKÁ, E. 2014. Communication in Students with Severe Cerebral Palsy. In Journal of Exceptional People. VUP. 2014;1/4:33-50. KANTOR, J.; WEBER, J. 2013. Musiktherapie in der Tschechischen Republik - Wurzeln, Entwicklung und Gegenwart. In Musiktherapeutische Umschau. Gottingen: Vandhoeck und Ruprecht. 2012;33/4:386-394. KANTOR, J. 2012. Alimentace u dětí s centrální obrnou. [Alimentation in children with cerebral palsy]. In Špeciálny pedagóg. 2012;2/1:53-61. KANTOR, J. 2011. Somatopedie – reflexe její současnosti i možností dalšího vývoje. [Somatopedia – reflection of its present status and possibilities of further development]. In Epedagogium. 2011,3:105-113. Scientific publications (monographs): KANTOR, J. et al. 2014. Kreativní přístupy v rehabilitaci osob s těžkým kombinovaným postižením – výzkumy, teorie a jejich aplikace v edukaci a terapiích. [Creative approach in the rehabilitation of persons with severe multiple disabilities – research, theories and their usage in education and therapies]. 1st ed. Olomouc: VUP. 228 p. KANTOR J. et al. 2009. Základy muzikoterapie. [Foundations of Music Therapy]. 1st ed. Praha: Grada. 295 p. Articles in reviewed conference proceedings: KANTOR, J.; CHRASTINA, J.; LUDÍKOVÁ, L. 2015. Education Evaluation in Students with Severe Multiple Disabilities. In 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (INTED Proceedings 2014). Madrid: IATED. 4645-4655 p. KANTOR, J.; FRIEDLOVÁ, M.; CHRASTINA, J. 2015. Institutional support of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Special education. In 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (INTED Proceedings 2014). Madrid: IATED. 5563-5571 p. KOUCUN, J.; KANTOR, J.; FRIEDLOVÁ, M. 2015. The Use of Computers and New Technologies in Music Education and Music Therapy of Individuals with Physical Disabilities. In 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (INTED Proceedings 2014). Madrid: IATED. 5702-5710 p. KANTOR, J. et al. 2014. Interactions between pupils with severe multiple disability and teachers. In Society, Integration, Education. (Proceedings). Rezekne: Augstskola. 44-54 p. KANTOR, J. 2014. The Factors Supporting Understanding the Students With Multiple Disability. In 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. (INTED Proceedings 2014). Madrid: IATED. 7329-7338 p. KANTOR, J.; LUDÍKOVÁ, L. 2014. Processes of special education intervention in students with multiple disabilities. In 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. (INTED 2014 Proceedings). Madrid: IATED. 7329-7338. KANTOR, J.; CHRASTINA, J.; LUDÍKOVÁ, L. 2014. The significance of individual preferences in pupils with severe cerebral palsy in the context of special education intervention. In 6th International Conference on education and New Learning Technologies. (EDULEARN Proceedings 14). Madrid: IATED. 7156-7164. KANTOR, J. – CHRASTINA, J. 2014. Music Therapy in Persons with Severe Multiple Disability – Paradigms, Theoretical Background, trends and Discussion. In 6th International Conference on education and New Learning Technologies. (EDULEARN Proceedings 14). Madrid: IATED. 7165-7174 p. Researcher: FRVŠ 2012 (Inovace předmětu muzikoterapie).